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Turner Wheel Box

The Turner Wheel box was conceived, designed and made by Tom Turner, you are welcome to copy it. It is pictured on Shimpo VL Whispers, I use one for throwing and one for trimming. Initially the need was to contain porcelain trimmings to keep them off the floor. This box also holds the water bowl, keeps tools at a convenient position for the thrower, protects trimmings from the contaminations on the floor, and it also provides arm rests for certain procedures.
3/4 inch plywood for the base.
1x6 boards of your choice cut to shape. I glue and screw them together and to the base.
metal collar to surround the wheel head bearings. I use aluminum flashing cut to length and 3 inches wide, folded in half to provide a 1 1/2 inch high collar. This is secured to the box.
About 6 coats of Urethane to form a great water proof skin inside and out.
The wheel head is removed, the box put in place, holes drilled so that they do not hit anything below, and bolts used to secure the box to the wheel.







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